Friday, January 16

Revgalblogs Friday Five

Whether it's new friends or new loves or new employers, what are five things people should know about you?

I am very direct. I say what I think and I don't play political "games" well. I tend to be the one that says, "yeah, but...", or actually names the elephant in the room. It sometimes gets me into trouble...and certainly did when I worked in Division I athletics. 

I have a screwy sense of humor. If someone teases me, I tease back, often with a straight delivery - this strangely often puts people on the defensive of "I was just kidding..." Yes - I'm aware, so was I.

I need my down time. I'm a pretty balanced introvert-extrovert, but I absolutely need time on my own to recharge. So, while I think out loud much of the time, I need to have a quiet space to retreat.

I am so not a morning person. I prefer to ease into the day whenever possible - with a nice, hot cup of coffee, or two, before dealing with many other humans. I can fake it when I have to, but too many days in a row of that and I start to get really, really snarky.

I'm a traveler. Even when I lived in the same town for 11 years, I moved several times to new apartments. I'm often keeping my eyes open for what's I need help and reminders to stay in the moment. Thankfully I have great friends and an awesome spiritual director who help me do just that.


Unknown said...

Can you get that downtime at home, or do you need to find it elsewhere? Sometimes I find it's enough to take a bubble bath, behind that closed bathroom door, but other times I need something more structured as "me" time.

SHMT said...

You have a spiritual director? How did I not know this? I'm seriously jealous! And, I so totally get your humor... :-)

Hughster said...

So, I'm reading your blog, a paragraph at a time, expecting one more paragraph that started with; So, I haven't had my alone time to recharge, I'm in a surly/silly mood, it's first thing in the morning, I'm in a meeting, and somebody says,...
I'm pretty sure there's a story that starts like that. :)