Wednesday, January 7

i need a coach...

I've decided that I need a thesis coach...aka someone to yell at me when I'm watching TV, or playing games instead of writing. Any takers?

I have my defense scheduled for Feb 13, which means I have only a few remaining weeks to get the 75 pages done and to my committee so that they have time to read it before that day (which is, yes, in fact, Friday the 13th). Hence, I need to be writing, writing, writing...not watching TV or doing other things with my computer. I came to Starbucks early hoping to get some work done before work...but only copped a tiny table, which doesn't work with how I write - I need room to spread out! - so I'm complaining here and then heading into the office to hopefully get some thesis work done at my desk before my marathon day. Have latte, will travel. Thankfully, I don't preach this week, and confirmation class is pretty much ready - so I just need to shut my door, stay off of Hexic and WORK! (I still think I could use someone to sit one of the other chairs in my office and yell when I stray off into game land....or googling land....) sigh. I'm so bad at self-motivation. 

addendum: as I was packing up to leave the big table opened, I got set up and started and then the soccer mom clutch moved in next to me and man, they are loud! to the office - hopefully I can stay focused there. Ugh

1 comment:

SHMT said...

STOP PROCRASTINATING AND GET YOUR BUTT IN GEAR!! That's all I got. I can't yell long distance... Good luck!