Friday, January 9

RevGalBlogPals Friday Five: Pancakes

1. Scratch or mix? Buttermilk or plain?
Mix...although it is embarressing to admit. I usually go for the buttermilk version.

2. Pure and simple, or with additions cooked in?
Both...if i add anything, it's usually bananas.

3. For breakfast or for dinner?
Yes. I love breakfast for dinner!

4. Preferred syrup or other topping? How about the best side dish?
I'm a traditionalist - Trader Joe's pure maple syrup all the way...warmed if possible. Best side dish: I'm a sucker for sausages.

5. Favorite pancake restaurant?
I don't go out a lot for breakfast...but I do love IHOP's pancakes.


SHMT said...

Now I'm singing Banana Pancakes. Yay!

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

I love the nut and grain ones at IHOP. Now if we only had an IHOP somewhere near!

Dr. Laura Marie Grimes said...

Oh, yeah, real maple syrup or nothing. My husband prefers Log Cabin so there's all the more for me...