Thursday, January 8

playing "the card" ALC, they have had a tradition of 1st communion in 5th grade. In fact SP told me it was in the congregation's constitution. As we've been moving forward with a process to eliminate the age requirement from communion, it was discovered it isn't actually in the constitution..anywhere. So - that makes things easier, procedurally. But...tonight we talked again about this at council...the usual "they won't understand"...."they should know what's happening"...blah, blah, blah.

Do I ever get to play the "it's my decision" card? My letter of call talks about administration of the sacraments - it doesn't say the congregation gets a vote. Do I get to ever say to the curmudgeon who comes to the table with his fingers held in a pinching motion to grab the wafer out of my hands (instead of open hands to receive) I ever get to say to him..."Bummer you're bent out of shape about this...but it's not about you." Probably not, huh? But, having discovered that this isn't in the constitution, I've become acutely aware that it really is a pastoral decision. Of course we want to educate, inform and discuss this with the congregation...but at the end of this, I'm opposed to a vote of any kind on this topic, and I'm afraid the loud, cranky voices in the congregation, and on council, will push for one. Maybe not, but it's what I'm afraid of.

But, dammit, I am the pastor (well, one of them)...and it really is a pastoral decision. Sigh...I just probably won't ever get to say that in a meeting.


SHMT said...

I have those same old curmedgeons in my congregation! I don't even get the words out before they snatch the bread out of my hands. It makes me feel like doing something petty in response. Which, of course isn't the answer. Good luck with this sticky topic. I'll be praying that the process goes well, and that maybe at some point you'll actually get to play your card.

Dr. Laura Marie Grimes said...

Fifth grade--now that is just mean. Even Catholics give it in second.

One thing that may mollify the curmudgeons is if you still have (or add) a class and special liturgical celebration....I worship at an Episcopalian church and love that the kids have no memory of exclusion, but it is important to have catechesis at some point as well as a special ritual.

Good luck!