Saturday, December 15

silent, but not still

My somewhat long-ish silence does not indicate that things have been at a standstill in my life. In fact, just the opposite is true. I think a large reason that I haven't written about it is because there is quite good news to report and I didn't want to jump the gun on the reporting and "jinx" it. Silly? maybe - but also quite a real feeling.

The good news is that a congregation in Northern California is soon going to be voting on me to be their associate pastor. The call committee unanimously recommended me, the council did not find anything to object to, and the congregational meeting is set for the end of January. Yes...still a ways off, but I know that the time will move quickly and there are people to meet, negotiations to be had, apartment shopping to be done...although I'm not going to sign a lease until I have a job...but the six weeks will pass probably more rapidly than I want them to, what with all that I have hanging in my academic life as well. That pesky thesis will not finish writing itself after all!

I am excited about this call - I think it's going to be a good match, and the church is up to a lot of exciting things and continue to ask how they can be engaged in the community and world. I am thrilled to be working in a staff situation, as my extrovert side continues to develop and grow.

Now that this process is "past" the church council, I feel quite positive and able to talk about it, so hopefully there will be updates to share more often...not to mention thesis progress to report. I go to the church to worship tomorrow and to spend time with the senior pastor in the afternoon.


k-bomb said...

Katy! There you are:) I wish you well in all your waiting. And I'm sure you'll let us all know what the plan for the future is.

SHMT said...

If I could figure out how to get that thesis to write itself for you, I totally would!