Sunday, January 27

the decision

So, this afternoon LSLC voted to call me as their next associate pastor! I have spoken with the call committee chair and the senior pastor and am now waiting to get the official Letter of Call. Apparently, I need to write a Letter of Acceptance - anyone know what needs to be in that?

I am very excited about doing ministry in this place and working with the staff. My time so far with the congregation has been a blast, and I know that it won't all be sunshine and roses, but I've got a good feeling, and most importantly, a strong belief that God is calling me to this place. Also, I've got a good lead on a place to live - hopefully that will work out, and I can start the moving process and working on getting my stuff there from ND and Oakland and Berkeley.

Thanks to all for your prayers, support, encouragement and humor. I can't believe that I'm going to be a pastor!


SHMT said...

Congrats, again, I know you'll be fabulous!

k-bomb said...

Yeah, the whole acceptance letter puts in back in your hands for a final time. Which is sort of weird but we had a guy at my internship get that far and then turn us beef is that, if you didn't want to be a pastor at that church you would have figured it out before you had to send back the letter of acceptance. The system is strange.

BUT NOW YOU'RE IN IT!!! YEAH!!! Have fun!